WCA Perishables

Press Room

Conference Registration opens May 25th 2022
16 May, 2022

Good Day GAA Members,

Keeping everyone updated on the progress of the September Conference in Pattaya:

Conference Registration opens May 25th 2022.

Being part of the GAA family is as important to you as it is to your partners. This is a golden opportunity to break away from the pandemic driven social rust that has accumulated over the past 2 years. Bring your bathing suit, conference attire and winning attitudes for a week of well-deserved face-to-face interaction that makes this network one of a kind.

Due to prior arrangement of venues, we had extra space in Pattaya this year for the Lognet conference. We elected to use this extra space and host aside-by-side conference experience. By combining these groups in one location, we can give you more of what you expect when it comes to networking opportunities. Not only within the GAA, but during select social events you will have the opportunity to meet with members from EGLN, and Lognet Global. This is a one-off event, and we plan on returning to individual meetings in 2023.

GAA members will preserve their GAA first objectives. We will maintain our GAA only team building competition,One-On-One meetings, and private GAA lounge. Our vision is to keep GAA highlighted, but always looking for that next relationship.

May 25th registration will have an overview of the agenda as well as booth and sponsorship opportunities. This is a great form at to give your company exposure, not only from within your group, but for thee yes of other networks attending. Don't miss out on this great experience!

I look forward to seeing all of you!


Brian Majerus

Managing Director GAA